The 4-minute tabata workout has been studied…
And found to be equally or even more effective than doing moderate cardio for 60 minutes.
That’s right: a 4 minute tabata training workout that works BETTER than doing an entire hour of traditional cardio.
The Tabata Training Workout Mistake Most People Make
But here’s the thing. Most people think of a tabata workout as simply exercise for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds. A lot of people do this workout using exercises like planks.
And that’s fine, it’s still a good workout, but it’s not a true tabata.
A true tabata requires that you go ALL OUT for those 20 seconds.
And that means you have to choose a movement that allows for maximum intensity.
It’s only 4 minutes long, because that’s all you can handle.
The 4 Moves In This Tabata Training Workout
Now in this tabata workout we’re doing 4 different moves:
- Jumping leg tucks…
- Twisting knee raises…
- Jumping burpees…
- And finally, jumping push-ups to standing.
Each tabata has 8 sessions, so we’ll do all 4 moves once, then we’ll do them all again.
Now I’m going to use the tabata timer on my phone. So you’ll hear a horn blow in between every set.
[Watch the video at the top to see the tabata training workout]